Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Birthday for Lisa and that is good!

Man, was I moody last week.  It could have been because my shoulder has been killing me ever since a rather bumpy landing on a slippery boat dock in Malibu Canada at the managers meeting.  I did blame the time change several times...who would have thought an extra hour of sleep would be so tough to handle?  I did go Dwight Schrute on our baby stroller...that was really bad.  Some guy in Minnesota via Ebay got my 1st edition/1st printing "Band of Brothers" w/Ambrose autograph + signed by 4 Easy company vets to pay for a new stroller. 
But, here's what is good!  Lisa and I had the best time on Sunday night in Glenwood Springs!  We stayed at the Glenwood Hot Springs Lodge for Lisa's birthday!  We both realized while sitting in the 104 degree hot springs pool, with the evening snow dumping on us, staring at the rising steam that we were having one of the best evenings we've had in a long time!  The lodge was great, the massage was relaxing and Lisa felt very celebrated! 
Her actual birthday is tomorrow so give her a call!  Like John Balmat said, Happy 26th birthday, Lisa!!
And I just want to say, much love to my sweet and wonderful wife!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

CARE Grant is great!

With all due respect to Cary Grant (accomplished Hollywood star) I'm much more excited to be associated with CARE Grant (Christian Adoption Resources and Encouragement).  This group out of Pagosa Springs has blessed us with a $2500 grant towards our upcoming adoption!  This rapidly accelerates our adoption journey!  Prior to this we had a completed/accepted application for adoption on file, but now we can green light the pre-placement services such as the home study.  Please keep praying for us as we really need prayers now.  The birth mom may already be pregnant with the little baby we are praying will join our family.  We trust so whole heartedly that God already has chosen the specific special little baby for our family.  There is still further financial hurdles ahead...but this is a fantastic start!
Please spread the word about the CARE Grant.  Here is there contact info:
CARE, Inc.
PO Box 3543
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
God is Good!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Costumes, camping,& Ismert Fun (107 photos), by Lisa Ismert

I'd like to share my Snapfish photos with you. Once you have checked out my photos you can order prints and upload your own photos to share.
Click here to view photos

Monday, November 1, 2010

Colby Teeth

well, when the Rangers won game 3 of the World Series (with Colby Lewis pitching) I thought I'd find a picture of Colby gritting his teeth in intense pitching focus and illustrate how the Giants got chewed up in the teeth of great pitching...and it would sorta sound like Toby Keith.   Well I couldn't find a picture of Colby's Teeth and who wants to see another picture of Toby Keith, and the Rangers lost games 4 and 5 so it is all irrelevant.
Anyhow, it was a lot more fun getting ready for Halloween!!  Campell was a lion and she can do a real respectable 'ROAR'!  We had a blast doing halloween with everyone!!  We had quite the collection of princesses, monkeys, lions, sheriff/police, cowboys and indians, and one guy in a Mexican style wrestling mask.  Super cute and fun and lotsa candy.
Which reminds me, we've had fun with Lisa's mom in town...it's a great time to be in BV, good weather, the football team is going to the playoffs and we're still there.  Our house is for sale still, and we are still moving forward with adoption stuff.  It's a rather slow pace right now, but THANK YOU to all of you for your prayers, your support in so many ways.  We feel very encouraged and right where God wants us to be and trust that it all will be in his perfect timing!

party at the ismerts!

cj's 1st trick or treat
