Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Just wanted to check in with all the followers of this blog!  That means you!  Tomorrow (11/3) is big.  BIG.  My sister Catherine and hubby Eric are very close to the birth of the child they are adopting...tomorrow should be the big day...please pray for them and all the details of health, hospitals, timing and God's mercy. 
Speaking of new news for me and Lisa.  We are still waiting for a match with a birthmom.  Thanks for your prayers and support and encouragement!  Tomorrow is also a great day to pray for Campbell Jane as she goes in for a heart test called an echo to further determine the extent of her little heart murmur.  Please pray for her!  And us!
We love you!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Don't call it a comeback! Well, really, you can call it whatever you want to!

We are back!  It's wierd/ridiculous that we took about 7 months off from if anyone out there gets this message, I'm sorry.  But, please don't despair, I am back in the saddle and promise to update this blog every hour on the hour for the rest of my life!!  Okay, not really, but I am going to dedicate more time and energy into this blog as Lisa and I still believe it is a great way to keep people up to date on our adoption process and our life in general.

So, what's up with our adoption you might be asking?  Well, it is the fall and we've been praying for a fall baby, so that lifts our spirits.  The adoption agency in Tulsa has put a hold on accepting new prospective adoptive families for the time being which means our book will not be buried under a bunch of new books from other families.  We have two books in circulation with the agency and both of these facts mean our book should be viewed more and more.  So, please be praying:
1) for the right birth mom to see our book
2) for the health of the birth mom and baby who we eventually get matched with
3) patience, faith and encouragement for me and Lisa
4) the financial side of the adoption as we are still trying to raise funds
5) Campbell Jane as a big sister

We did get a call from the adoption agency last week about a possible birth mom who contacted them.  The birth mom isn't at the agency yet...but they did ask us about showing her our book.  We said hopefully the birthmom follows through on her plans to work with the agency and our prayers are that if this is the birthmom God wants to pick us, then she will like our book!  That's a big prayer, so thank you for joining with us!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

This one is for Benji !

Things have been rather busy in the Ismert world the last 4 weeks.  We've selected guides for Wilderness Ranch, we've coordinated a wedding, we've been to Utah, Arizona, Nevada and California and back.  We've stepped in the Pacific Ocean and breezed through the Bellagio.  I even shoveled a little snow. 

But, rather than have you try to put the pieces together of all our comings and goings, let's just talk about the pieces of our adoption that are coming together in so many exciting ways!  First of all, we have moved through the pre-placement phase of the adoption process and we've sent off our 'lifebook' to the adoption agency in Tulsa.  So, as I type this, a birth-mom could be looking at our book and considering us as the family to adopt her child.

And speaking of pieces, we've had so much fun selling puzzle pieces.  That's right,  we 'borrowed' the idea to sell pieces to a 500 piece puzzle for $5 each (which should raise $2500).  We've had tremendous response and have sold in the neighborhood of 400 pieces already!  We might have to get a 600 piece puzzle!  The idea is to write on the back of each puzzle piece the name of the person who 'bought it' and then when baby #2 is old enough, we'll put the puzzle together and talk about their adoption and see the names of all the people who supported us.  It will be a great way to talk about adoption and to be reminded of how God used so many people to partner with us in this journey.

Speaking of partners in this adoption, we are so thankful for you all!  We have been and continue to be overwhelmed by the prayers, encouragement and support of all of you.  We are definitely not alone in this effort and that is probably the biggest blessing of them all.  We love you all!

p.s. If you want to buy a puzzle piece(s) then just mail a check for how many you want to us at PO Box 1274 Buena Vista, CO 81211.

Thank you!  We have raised by the power and mercy of God about $9000 and hope to raise another $4000.  Talk to you soon, I really do plan/want/need to update this blog more often, so don't give up on checking it!

Monday, January 17, 2011

January...for rrreal

Well, I almost feel like some re-introductions are in order.  Yep, it's been awhile.  I remember the last post, it was Christmas morning.  We had a wonderful Christmas...full of family and friends and many blessings.  Thank you to the all the Ismerts and all the Nichols for the love and festive times!

A few days after Christmas I left for Ecuador!  It was a Wilderness Ranch trip with the purpose of exploring a partnership with Summit Adventure regarding a "Missions & Mountaineering" course they've organized for the past 7 or so years.  It was a great course that definitely jumpstarted my imagination about the possibilities for YL and Summit to work together in ministry in Ecuador.  The highlights of the trip were working at the church/school/community center known as Remanse d'Amor, a Christian ministry in a very poor neighborhood that is really showing incredible fruit.  And we were fortunate enough to summit a mountain called Cayambe (18,996 ft). 

And now we are back in BV!  Wow.  Back in the office and so much is going on!  Lisa has gone 99 mph on the adoption paperwork and the 1st round of documents, tests, reports etc should be completed any day now.  God has been going warp speed on providing us encouragement in many ways, just kind words, special moments with Campbell, and also in terms of finances.  Thank you to everyone who has encouraged us and thanks be to God for his power and mercy on us.

We've got so much to be thankful for...I don't want to overwhelm just a single blog I intend to get back on here tomorrow with more.  But this a great start!