Wednesday, September 22, 2010

house for sale, car for sale, adoption # 2, it'd be a shame to have a boring life

Hi's the Ismert blog....entry # 1.

Well, the title pretty much says it all.  If you haven't got the message, we are starting the adoption process again.  We've emailed everyone about the coffee company that helps raise $$ for adoptions.  But just in case, here's the info again.
"We have waited patiently for God to give us the go ahead and we trust that the time is now.  We are back in the adoption process! It is a bit overwhelming knowing and not knowing what is ahead of us. We are asking for all of you to please pray for us in this journey.  Your prayers are much needed.
 Most of you know that adoption is a huge financial undertaking.  We have decided to partner with JustLove Coffee in an effort to fund-raise.  If anyone shops using this link , JustLove will give us $5 per bag of coffee, towards our adoption.  I think everyone we know drinks coffee (especially our Wilderness Ranch Friends), so we are asking that you would consider purchasing it through this link. We will be partnered with JustLove during the entire process so all proceeds during the next 6 months or so will go towards our adoption. 
 Thank you for loving us so well!!!
 Please pass this on to your friends and family!"
Oh yeah, our house is for you want to live in BV?  Talk to us...
And our Subaru is for sale...wanna get around for cheap?  Talk to us...
hey, just talk to us...we wanna keep in touch and hear from everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Beyond awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Go for it you guys! Seriously, following God's plan is SO much better than anything else. Way to go! Keep stepping out in faith and I cannot wait to see all God has in store! I think in know what my family is getting for Christmas now :) Coffee all around!
    Praying and so excited for you guys!
